The Mehrovinger NationAs most kingdoms and nations are ruled by a president or king. A queen in the far past said. May my country be of the people. As they are subject to law. v She also said, May the president not by election but by prayer be chosen. The Mehrovinger nation. Is ruled by a president. And the queen is the representative of prayer. As the Mehrovingers, have twenty one planets. and alliances with six nations. They hold the secret to both the stone of wisdom as the waters of life. as the fountain of eternal youth is named. As all knowledge has its benefit, and is always leading to prosperity. The choice when to grant and when to forbid is a question, regarded as a decision of the highest rank. For bad persons with eternal life create havoc on great scale. Therefore a choice is of matter for not only years but eons. As Mehrovinger, sees all technology around them and know that illusion and lies cloud the hearts of all living. As living with the heart needs no entertainment. and only needs calm rest to restore. Therefore Mehrovinger is visible in their quiet appearance. As only the absence of noise gives the needed rest and the point of a star to travel through the landscape of religion. As the templeguard is a star which shines with prayer. silent prayer as no wish is polluting intention |