Hymn on the Kingdom of Toru VallThere was a kingdom in deep space, one tells the heroes of Orion, the others the nebulae of pure energy. As we on earth decide to use magnetism to give intelligence a written method of communication. Call slicate layers As we on earth decide to use light as a method of communication, as to have a visible deep layer of transferring information. One tells the past was a wire with a connection on or off. and nowadays the connection is not on of off but used when necessary and by routing able to combine. As the kingdom of Toru Vall, they used the dark energy, as they had a source of time, being depending on new kinds of tecnhlogy and science. AS the kingdom of Tory Vall, used dark energy as to wish for its having a functional design. Both the use of dark energy and deciding to fill with a scheme of functionality. As this dark energy, was not being depending on high voltagen, low temperature, or any other kind as it was found in a pit deep in the ocean as it emitted only a fragment radiation. As the kingdom of Toru Vall found this kind of new science and used it for the high breakthrough of replacing human intelligence with computing intelligence. As even all kinds of humanity want to externalize functions into a method not depending on effort or any means of continual attention. The kingdom of Toru Vall, they had a scheme of time-counting. Dates, Years, Eons. They lived a while ago. As the Kingdom of Toru Vall the scheme of dark energy is still in the remnants found at their homeworld all other planets deceased, and are filled with gems of platina and silver. As the alloy of silver and platina is a connection method. As the Kingdom of Toru Vall, the scheme of dark energy, is still waiting, call hieroglyphs, call simple hebrew notation. The kingdom of Toru Vall, is waiting to be found, at the centre of the threeheaded tiger. as they always used symbols of animals to depict places in their system of stars and planets. The kingdom of Toru Vall, is waiting as a remnant in the centre of the threeheaded tiger. As animals do not depict any negative or positive qualities, but a waypoint to how indians experienced a kind of spirituality. |