
Hymn on the book of E spiza

As a civilisation is on the rise
as from a medival, all kinds of sciences
are opened up and giving its grace
by the continual effort of scientists.

As above primary level the use
of scientists in implemented
in the educational system.

As as the education advances,
both school system, kinds of
dividing in themes or science levels.

As the education advances,
the level of education show
lack of subjects as a great
painting were black spots
appaear with the figures
sould be inthere.

As e Spiza advances,
the technology level
is written down with all
steps of advancements.

Call the level of books
the level of writing down
sciences. from medieval
to the level currentday times.

As when civilisation would fail,
these books when read,
would give instead of the
hundred years to need for
recollecting data,
and re investing scientists
to get back the level.

By this book E spiza
a technology level
with the least effort,
and the effective use
of all materials,
processes, services.
and all the steps in between.

To store this book of E spiza.
is called a book as the central
kind of information understood
from all levels of siocietal progress
and the use of civilisation
and its tools to advance
in a society with levels
of both consuming tools,
consuming food with its planned

As the use of sciences for
abstract interaction with a
notnamed inducement.

As this book of E spiza
being a book, a movieset,
or any kind of information
to transfer both knowledge
the means of proof, and evidence
and the source materials for
giving a certain outcome
when civilisation would fail.

This book of E spiza,
by the use of planned inducement
is stored in a scheme interval
of places around the globe.

Or when a multiplanet society is
in effect, a certain kind of places
is used to store this Book of E Spiza

As base materials, proof, evidence,
theories all kinds of parts are
normally part of this kind of
preperation for the fall a civilisation
can have, and periodical has had in the past.

As the example of Atlantis, still hidden
in the ocean, as in future times,
the names given to regions, are
sometimes equal to the source which
has existed on those exact places.

The book of E Spiza.
a collection of sciences
its proofs and evidence,
as the short cut after
a civilisation fall.