
Hymn on Tou Science

As there are three kinds of societal order
purpose and the use of structure to support
a civilisation and its population.

As we see the feature of body
to have the daily duty
and to spend life at being part
of a soicety as its culture
is based on the visible appearance
of life, society and the level of
seen objects like earth, sun.

As we see the second one being
the mind and spiritual kind of
being with thoughts leading
the sciences as we see at all
themes. as technology is mostly based
on thinking of its meaning, its cause
or all aspects of designing both
technology scientific improvements
and the use of inventions.

as the third one, not depending
on other kinds as the soul has
the inner intent of being with
the goals of life and humanity.

The third one of the soul
is the main goal of religion
as to reach a point of trancendence
and to reach the goal of becoming
with happiness, satisfaction and worldpeace.

As the soul supervenes the mind,
and the mind in somehow has its grip
on the body.

and the body always uses the possibility
of life, society and the visible world.

These three kinds of society and its meaning
for prosperity.

As we would have contact on the technology level
even the soul and its purpose is above.
as sometimes the soul is taken as goal
when a society is fully satisfied with technology

as sometimes a soul and its meaning
gets its rights when technology is clear not
to give the most happiness
as a transfer point of interest.

As a world can contain all three orders
at the same kind of society as we
use nations and their names and their
right to form a goverment and their country.

As the soul is most important
the level of technology can rise
and can set in their own order
as being the sun during the day
and the moon during the night.

As when even a society with
the heighest technology and prosperity
then even their is a kind of decision
not seek or analysed giving
the right to the next level

as the soul can remove part of technology
can use part of the societal and body
and can impose a strucutre giving
the soul the main right to strive
for its purpose.

As these three kinds of societal order
based on human and its inner.

As when religion is named
with functions being a layer in the universe
these gods and goddesen have part in the whole
universe. and depending on speech and culture
as the names they bear in their function
in the worlds or anywhere in the boundaries
of the religion and the meaning of its message.

As sometimes in a natural life
the phase of body, mind and soul
can have an appearance too.

as a scientist with its satisfaction
of being in science and technology
can step over to a religious goal

and a person being in the ground
of culture chooses a religion
and to have part of a bigger culture.

as even to read science fiction
and then choose a science of human interest
like philospohy and the goal of religion.
so in all kinds of lives the phases
can occur in a normal sense.