Hymn on Energia EternaAs we all know with the emerging kind of technology based on the alteration of energy. As we make coal from plants and trees, as we make gas from oil beneaht the surface. and the use of enzyms or catalysts to change energy in its kind of either light, warmth, movement or the use of recycling kinds of interaction. As we know the kinds of energy to use for the art of science as we always try to reproduce or replace kinds of humans behaviour. as interaction always being replaced gives the costprice of labor or hourprice a kind of effectivity. As energy from our solar orb is changed into the use of electricity as the kind of artificial based on chemistry. As energy from movement as several kinds of physics like wind, water, and gravity. As energy by catalysts is the use of basic chemical compounds is the use of it is by a intermediary. as the energy by enzyms is based on biological processes as we imitate biological processes even when an interaction of it is only a small part of the full biological function in which the enzym is based. As eternal energy we always look for the lowest costprice, the highest effectivity, and the smallest footstep of pollution. As eternal energy we look for the kind to be used either in safety areas as around the power plants, or to be used in dense areas as to have a small and easy use of energy as we want a lowrisk item to be used in areas of soicety in its main function of sustaining life. As eternal energy is described by its uses, by its boundaries of use and by the use for sustaining life in the aspect in line with the location the time and the scale of its function either in space, either in source materials and the function as safe in a society as coordinated by a goverment. As eternal energy is a main function as we all seek eternal happiness as persons. thereby its commons wish for a society to have eternal energy at a basic costlevel and to have eternal energy at basic scale to have its function without special conditions. as eternal energy is the essence of technology and science as to an advanced civilisation. As the path for energy is step by step as scientists disclose its use by the ongoing attention in the use of inventing. either by new technology or advancing known technology as there is eternal energy as we can compare the sun, and its light to the use of energy for movement, interaction, alteration, and sustainment. Eternal energy is a societal process based at scientists, as they in their line of conduct give safe boundaries to procesment of its use. As when a small kid has a riskfull appliance you either restrict behaviour of give it to an adult able to understand its use. Thereby the line of technology is in a society always in the line of time, the line of societal size, and the line of intelligence. Thereby eternal energy can be a goal for society but restricted by its line of scientific inquiry. As eternal energy is part of normal society and its wish for imitation of human interaction as the extent of human civilisation, and replacement of its functions, in part and part of total. |