Hymn on GravityAs a small invention during the ages of the common sciences. As a small invention of the beginning of gravity alteration As we know earth has a gravity field capable for the living to move, to act, and to discern their lives. As a gravity field protects all the living and keeps them near the surface and when they move, they have to move harder and be more forcefull in their action when leaving the direct ground As a small chemical substance found near a cave in southern america is the stone able to interchange with the gravity of mother earth. As earth has a gravity in line with a basical interval and a basic force as within the emperical kind of experience as the wave being without fluctuations. This stone when moving circular, and with the radius as the force in the midst and to the end of the line is to alter gravity when this substance has a pulse moment, and the radius being in line with both width, height of the object. when it pulses, and moves circular, gravity as it is interchanges as one would by the fluctuations hold its gravity layer to either substracts of the near object, or by its substraction alter its direct force. As with a device, of this gravity alteration, as its pulses are able have gravity temporarily being in its force nullifying the effect of it. As to have the device is to use a personal range gravity field, able to fly without the need of any propelling engine. As when this device would interchange witth gevity its capabilities are to have a person flying without any needed engine and its force needed to escape gravity. |