
Seven mages

I projected my power-word.
The word to create a sphere.

I projected my power-word
The word to create a delusion

I projected my power-word
The word to create a mirage.

The sphere, the delusion, the mirage.
I bound all creatures to this artifact.
I bind all creatures as to pleasure
as the largest bond.

I bound this sphere to all creatures,
no use for dogs, no use for wolves.
no use for cats, no use for lions
As they do not understand.

I bound this sphere to all creatures,
capable of searching advantages and benefit
capable of seeking pleasure without source.
capable of searching meaning, even without form.

I bound this sphere to all creatures,
one was living as a king,
the other was living as a expert medical officer,
a third one, lost himself in a relationship.

I bound this sphere to all creatures,
they all were indulged and immersed into
a feeling of happiness, scared to wake up.

This sphere was able to show riches
beyong our comprehension.

This sphere was showing pleasure,
a girlsfriend of astounding beauty.

This sphere was showing fame,
as only a guitar needed to meet
the millions of fans.

This power word,
as from the seven mages,
created a delusion all beings
got lost. No one remembered their
original place, their origin of families.
the birth of their grounds.

As the seven mages, create,
as no one was able to stand,
the mirage of delusion.

An illusion all fall into weakness.
The seven mages.