Personal education at levelGuidance and AttentionWhen personal education is wished for, and the adept reached the qualifications at level. The adept receives a seal, or sign which gives right and means to eduction. This seal sometimes is of religious sources, other times its made as art by the person him or herself. This seal gives means to study at level of the intelligence of the person. As one applies for personal education, all means are provided in the surrounding situation. For the means can provide a library card, can provide art pieces for personal devotion. As well the study of language to learn internationally, as well as diplomatic conversation. For personal education is attended by the adept as well the teacher, which with a religious seal or sign, is depending on the religion the adept is devoted to. This personal education has no requirements for the adept to fullfill before being accepted, thus because the level of education. Personal education gives free or spare time the benefit for attending study. Personal education for best uses sources with low costs or at freedom of choice. As personal education can be about the whole range of subjects and themes. As personal education needs no exams but can use the writing of books or other media to reach certain goals. As books or media hold a test or exam of expertise and the use of all acquired skills. As the writer of this article has the seal of hinduism. |