WisdomThe first to know about wisdom is the secret by which all attain their goal. By having a goal, and keeping at this goal, without diverting to other subjects. As it is with a bottle getting water by drip and drip. The longer the bottle receives water the more its value is. If you have a goal for four years, gives a profit or fruit, If you have a goal for fourty years, you excellerate in it. as by the length of being devoted to it, gives profit and fruit. So with all fields of wisdom, attain the goal by keeping it alife. A famous musician, gets famous by keeping investing in it. The second secret is: That the choice which wisdom to seek or follow is the choice being depending what you receive. This second is, if yuo choose to have a modal job, a simple person with a job, being predictive and without the wish to be at best. you get that job, but if you go on adventure for the highest possible, and setting all aside. It is more reasonable that you reach it. The third secret is, science and knowledge al have a purpose, all are valued by the practicants, but the science about science, the knowledge about knowledge. is an important side to get in view Like discovering powersources, and use it for bad intents, versus using it to empower the world with free energy. a small report of Agency X - Wisdom Left and right hand learning Quotes of free life |